Hatchineha Ranch Mitigation Bank
Basins Serviced
SFWMD: Reedy Creek, Shingle Creek, Lake Toho, Boggy Creek, Lake Hart, East Lake Tohopekaliga, Lake Myrtle, Alligator Lake, Lake Tohopekaliga,Lake Gentry, Lake Hatchineha, Canoe Creek S-63A, Lake Cypress, Lake Pierce, Lake Kissimmee, Lake Weohyakapka, Lake Arbuckle
At A Glance
Located: Lake Hatchineha and Lake Pierce Basins
Permitted: SFWMD
State: UMAM
The Hatchineha Ranch property encompasses approximately 4,786 acres and is located west of Lake Hatchineha in Polk County, Florida. It is adjacent and connected to the existing Catfish Creek Preserve, which will provide for a regionally significant habitat restoration and enhancement project – creating and preserving an expansive wildlife corridor. In an area of accelerated development and growth, the resulting pressure and urgency of protecting critical wildlife habitat communities has become an essential focus for land managers.
Since many areas within the Hatchineha Ranch parcel contained development potential, the restoration and enhancement of historic ecological habitats will not only preclude development, but will also provide essential upland/wetland eco-tone communities. The resulting restoration and enhancement scenarios will increase wildlife use throughout the region, and will be desirable habitat for numerous threatened and endangered plant and animal species.
In addition to significant ecological habitat conservation and enhancement, hydro-logic enhancement and restoration activities are a focus of the project. As a result of multiple ditches within the site, extensive hydro-logic alteration has occurred in the eastern portion of the project area. Historic flow way attributes of Catfish Creek had been essentially removed during the development of the ditching system. Advance hydro-logic computer modeling was used to assist existing conditions, as well as predict hydrology following the installation of earthen ditch blocks and Low Water Crossings. Significant ecological and hydro-logic lift was identified.
A joint effort between The Nature Conservancy and Hatchineha Ranch LLC, Hatchineha Ranch Conservation Bank (HAMB) is 161 acres on the Lake Wales Ridge in Polk County, Florida. The site is adjacent to the Allen David Broussard Catfish Creek Preserve State Park (7,156 acres) to the south and southwest and Hatchineha Ranch Mitigation Bank (4,783 acres) to the north and northeast.