Lake Louisa Mitigation Bank (LLMB) is located in Lake County. LLMB credits are available to offset impacts for projects located in portions of Lake Orange, and Polk Counties. Its service area includes drainage basins 12 and 13 in the St. Johns River Water Management District.
Lake Louisa / Green Swamp Mitigation Bank (LLMB) is a 1,000 +/- acre site located in the southern portion of Lake County. The bank is located in the SJRWMD Palatlakaha Nested basin. LLMB is contiguous to the Lake Louisa State Park, adjacent to the Lake County Conservation Area and is in the heart of the Green Swamp Protection Area, which has been defined as an Area of Critical State Concern.
The physical features of the site range from sand hills to cypress swamps. The historic use of the site was primarily citrus operations. This activity caused significant hydro-logic alterations to the property.
The mitigation permit for LLMB called for the restoration of the wetlands and associated uplands. The main activity was the removal of the citrus trees and existing culverts. Through this activity, the banker restored the surface flow and recharge areas for the property and adjacent properties. Restoring the historic hydrologic patterns on the property resulted in eradication of much of the woody species that had invaded the historic wetland areas due to dehydration from the irrigation program for the citrus operation.
Other enhancement activities included removal of exotic and nuisance species and some upland plantings. The restoration of the site has allowed an increase in habitat for the 16 listed and PROTECTED SPECIES documented at the adjacent Lake Louisa State Park.
LLMB has both federal and state freshwater mitigation credits available. The bank was permitted for 297 credits. These credits are appropriate to offset either forested or herbaceous impacts. All restoration activities at this bank are complete