Lake Swamp Mitigation Bank is located in Flagler County, Florida. The bank site is approximately 1,890 acres and is located within the Halifax River Drainage Basin. Significant habitat within the project site is suitable for: the Florida black bear, Sherman’s fox squirrel, Eastern indigo snake, Bald Eagle, Wood stork, American alligator, as well as an extensive wading bird population and other various mammals and reptiles.
A large portion of Lake Swamp it located on the property, as well as to the north, and the majority of the on-site wetlands are associated with this hydro-logic feature. The swamp flows into Groover Branch, which flows into the Little Tomoka River, an Outstanding Florida Water (OFW).
Historically, this site was used for viticulture and agriculture purposes. Cypress, pines, and hardwoods were harvested for timber and landscape changes were made to assure good timber production. Aggressive use of drainage and “bedding” converted all of the uplands and a large portion of the wetlands to pine plantation.
The goal of the hydro-logic enhancement activities will be to restore the natural hydrology, including: longer periods of ponds in deeper wetlands, overall longer hydro-period, and better water retention across the site. Restoration of hydrology will include the partial removal of the network of trail roads, ditch removal, and cross-cutting of bedded wetlands that match grades and assure no unnatural runoff occurs. Trail roads maintained for maintenance of the property will include low water crossings to allow for more natural surface flow of water.
An exotic and nuisance plant and animal eradication program will be implemented as well.