Lake X Mitigation Bank
Basins Serviced
SFWMD: Lake Gentry, Lake Hart, Lake Kissimmee, SJRWMD: St Johns River (Canaveral Marshes to Wekiva: Basin 18), and the Econlockhatchee River Nested Basin (Basin 19)
At A Glance
Provides credits for both SFWMD and SJRWMD Basins
Located: Lake Gentry Basin
Permitted by SFWMD
State: UMAM
Forested and Herbaceous Credits Available
The Lake X Mitigation Bank (LXMB), a 5,499-acre Bank in Osceola County, is located within the Lake Gentry basin (SFWMD) and provides State Freshwater Herbaceous and Forested UMAM credits. As part of the site restoration, hydrologic improvements performed at Lake X uniquely benefit basins within both South Florida (SFWMD) and St. Johns River (SJRWMD). Unavoidable wetland impacts in the following basins can be mitigated by credits from Lake X: Lake Gentry, Lake Hart, Lake Kissimmee (SFWMD), St Johns River (Canaveral Marshes to Wekiva: Basin 18), and the Econlockhatchee River Nested Basin (Basin 19). When needed, State credits can be paired with Federal credits from banks within the service area including Crosby Island Mitigation Bank (WRAP) and Colbert Cameron Mitigation Bank (WRAP).
Lake X surrounds Lake Conlin, which is the highest water body within two regionally significant drainage basins (Northern Everglades Kissimmee River Watershed & Upper St Johns River Watershed). LXMB includes approximately 3,970 acres of wetlands, 1,500 acres of uplands and 16 acres of surface waters. LXMB will preserve environmentally sensitive lands through a conservation easement and implementation of hydro-logical improvements to enhance hydro periods.