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Tippen Bay Wetland Mitigation Bank

Basins Serviced

SWFWMD: Peace River Drainage Basin

At A Glance
  • Located: Peace River Drainage Basin

  • Charlotte & DeSoto Counties

  • Permitted by SWFWMD

  • USACE Permit Pending

  • State: UMAM, Federal: UMAM

  • Forested and Herbaceous Credits Available

Project Features

The Tippen Bay Wetland Mitigation Bank is located within the Peace River Watershed in Desoto County, Florida. It contains 627.10 acres of wetland mitigation, 102 acres of upland mitigation, and 186.30 acres of an upland buffer including preservation of uplands; preservation and restoration of forested wetlands; and preservation, restoration, enhancement, and creation of herbaceous wetlands. The total amount of 224.75 credits to be awarded to the mitigation bank include 38.97 freshwater forested credits and 185.78 freshwater herbaceous wetland credits.

Restoration and Enhancement Plan

Mitigation at Tippen Bay Wetland Mitigation bank will result in the preservation, management, creation, and maintenance of 730 acres of freshwater marshes, forested wetlands, dry prairies, and hardwood forests. The ecological goals of the Mitigation Bank will be achieved by implementing the following tasks:

  1. Improvement of hydro-logic conditions within 540 acres of converted pastureleands through installation of structural controls;

  2. Improvement of vegetative conditions by eliminating limpograss (Hemarthria altissima);

  3. Restore hydrology of forested wetland through installation of hardened water control structure and vegetative enhancement through wetland species planting;

  4. Enhancement to wetland and upland forests by eradication of invasive species;

  5. Wetland creation through regrading of upland areas;

  6. Removal of interior fencing; and

  7. Removal of cattle from the bank.

The work to create, enhance, and preserve the Tippen Bay Wetland Mitigation bank will establsih conditions which are anticipated to be self-sufficient after five years.

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